Vivvite; the experienced aana is to invite someone else.
Vivvite, a social invitation platform, is when people invite one or more people for a topic they are experiencing at the time they are in or for an action/event they want to do during a planned period of time. The goal is to share that moment.
This invitation is a call for help, social friendship, accompanying the subject being experienced, forming a social group, creating an event, social can be etc. Here, the vision of improving interpersonal communication and social Decoupling; creating a network has been adopted.
It is a social sharing platform that offers people the opportunity to share their knowledge, talents, special moments, hobbies, ideas, tools and equipment they use, space and time with others as they wish and to want to be together.
On the platform of sharing our loneliness and socializing; two different calls are made as Instant and Planned invitations.
INSTANT INVITATION: Inviting someone else to the action that we are doing or want to do right now. Walking, chatting, hobby games, sports, entertainment, art, travel, education, events, social solidarity, call for help.etc.
An invitation call is made, it has a duration of up to 60 minutes. It is understood that the event will start at the end of the period. We see the participation requests of those who want to respond to the invitation. We approve the person we want and ensure the meeting.
PLANNED INVITATION: To invite someone else to an action that we intend to do within a certain period of time. Sightseeing, entertainment, social responsibility project, sports, art, hobby, education, activity, social solidarity..etc. We'll write. We can publish to the audience we have determined on the platform.
Instant and planned invitations are published as shown in the sample picture, after writing the subject of the invitation and your message in detail, you can publish the invitation call on the web page.
From the Groups page, you can make a favorite group that addresses an area of interest you want, and you can only call for invitations to people in that area.